Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Lord has been so good to me

My posts will not come this quickly once I figure out what I am doing, hopefully that will be in the near future.
First off, I have a wonderful family. My Mom and Dad are two of a kind, only they could make marriage look easy for over 20 years. I have two brothers and two sisters who I love so dearly. They keep life extraordinary every moment.

I love my Savior God, only because He first loved me.

I've been blessed with some of the best pals on God's green earth, and if I tried to name them all I'd leave someone out and get in trouble. But you all know who you are, and I love you.

This blog will consist of stories and ponderings from any of the above and various times.
Also: ponderings is not a real word according to spell check (Spell Check, I love you, please never leave me) but I think it's obvious that it's the word pondering in the plural form.

And that is all she wrote.


  1. Aaa! Julia! You're here in blogworld...this is awesome.
    And yes, you're witty writer. You had me laughing already.

  2. Julia!! Yesss!!! I'm so glad you've joined the august and revered company of bloggers.... otherwise known as bored-people-who-like-to-write.


    and i love it all - the name, your picture, the background, and most of all, you. (yes, yes, and kole, too.)

  3. oh, and "for reasons unknown to me he sticks around"?

    how about "because you're sweet and funny and cute and loving"? yeah, that sounds about right.

  4. This is a neat blog! I really like it. :)
    ~Abi Tucker~

  5. hey, it's Julia...'s blog.

    i like.

  6. Welcome to the bloggingworld, Julia!! :) I'm a friend of Katie's. :D She may or may not be so awesome that she knocks the socks off of nearby people. She loves you. So yes, I'm thinking you might be awesomesauce too.

    Looking forward to reading more!! :)

    God bless,
    ~ Jean Marie

  7. Wow. Ya'll have no idea how happy getting comments makes me. I love you all for taking the time to read my silliness.
    Jean Marie, you sound like a very awesome person yourself. You have a new reader also.
